Eliamos Villas and Spa Hotel | Facilities | Kefalonia
- Air Conditioning (Included)
- Bathrobes
- BBQ - Available on request
- Car Hire Included
- Ceiling Fans
- Child care - Available on request
- Coffee Machine
- Espresso Machine - Nespresso
- Free-Standing Fans - Available on request
- Gym
- Hairdryer
- Jacuzzi
- Maid Service
- Massage
- Mini Safe
- mosquito nets for beds
- Mosquito Screens on windows
- MP3 player - Portable speaker
- Pilates and Yoga
- Pilates Facilities
- Plunge Pool
- Pool Towels
- Private Chef - Available on request
- Swimming Pool (Private)
- T.V. (Local Channels)
- T.V. (Satellite)
- T.V. (SMART)
- Wi-Fi
- Xbox360